ZAR Tender ZF-5
ZAR Tender ZF-5
Important key data
Standard equipment
Rear backrest
Width control panel
Sport steering wheel
Hydraulic steering
Repair kit
GRP or Flexiteak?
You can get your ZAR Tender ZF5 with a simple GRP deck or with Flexiteak. There are different colors and patterns to choose from for the Flexiteak to customize your ZAR Tender to your liking. Use our configurator to design your ZAR ZF-5 and request it easily.
Your ZAR Tender ZF-5 individual to the last detail
The high quality upholstery is available in 11 colors. You can also get more cushions for a sunbed extension to your ZF-5 tender. The hull, deck and hose color and even the rubbing strake can also be colored according to your individual ideas. If you should wish further individual adjustments over it Hinsau speak you us, we realize these gladly for you. Thus, your ZAR Tender becomes a real unique specimen according to your personal ideas.